Friday 9 July 2010

Crackdown 2 - Xbox 360 Review

Formats: Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Format Reviewed: Xbox 360
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Developer; Ruffian Games
Release Date: 9th July 2010
Score: 85%

Back in 2007 when Crackdown was released, most people knew it simply as “that game what came free with the Halo 3 beta”. It was what they like to refer to as a “sleeper hit”, sidling into the market on the back of Microsoft’s biggest Xbox cashcow and taking everyone by surprise by actually not sucking at all. To be fair, it was the fact that Realtime Worlds’ little gem was really a rough diamond that endeared us all to it. It didn’t feel big budget, it didn’t feel pretentious, it was just a game that let you blow stuff up, jump over buildings and become addicted to collecting hundreds of little orbs. It never claimed to be anything else, and as a result was one of 2007’s best games and remains one of the 360’s most enjoyable breakout hits.
