Sunday 14 August 2011

2011 Autumn - Winter Games Round-Up

Well, here we are again… August. That wonderful threshold after which, every year, the gaming release schedule goes bat shit crazy. Forget the rush of releases between January and March by developers too afraid to set foot in Q4 – this, the beautiful, chaotic space between the last week of August and the first week of December, is where it’s at. I’d be brave enough to bet that 9 out of 10 people reading this post either have one of these titles pre-ordered, or intend to have in the next few months.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Why I Don't Mind Batting for Both Teams (Figuratively Speaking...)

I’ve been a self-confessed Xbox “fanboy” (as much as I hate the term “fanboy”) for a good nine years, ever since I borrowed my uncle’s console and a copy of Halo while he buggered off to Tenerife for a fortnight. Two weeks and three playthroughs later, and my Playstation One went over the trade-in counter quicker than a copy of BMX XXX.
