Monday 30 May 2011

I Don't Suck at Games - I'm a Dad, Actually

Anyone who’s had their arse handed to them by a 13-year-old FPS enthusiast will know and understand the shame and pain I felt on Wednesday night. After being “fragged” for the 11th time in a row by a prepubescent gamer who, judging by the accent and put-downs, may have originated from Arkansas or, possibly, the eighth circle of Hell, I was seconds away from rage-quitting when an epiphany hit my like a flashing blue sticky bomb in the face.

It’s not that I suck. Oh, no. The problem is far, far more complex than that.

See, I never have trouble on local connections or even across LIVE or Steam with friends of my own age. I don’t pwn like a pro, particularly, but I do manage to hold my own to a certain extent without looking like a complete noob at anything I deign to play. Obviously you could argue that this is because the pressure is off when you’re just nuking mates and ridiculing Jambo for unloading a rocket launcher point blank into a wall two feet away in a blind panic. Again. But since my epiphany I don’t think that’s it at all.

It’s not that as soon as you put me in a deathmatch against people I don’t feel comfortable insulting (even Americans) I fall to pieces and have a panic attack, it’s not that I lack that killer instinct essential for surviving the harsh climates of online warfare, it’s not even that the 13-year-old cussball was better than me. The problem is – I’m a dad.

There, I said it. My paternal instinct is so strong that it takes over my very being, making it impossible for me to harm or by-mission-of-action allow to be harmed an innocent 13-year-old spawn-camper. My natural impulse to smash the competition into the floor, dance around on their battered carcasses to P. Diddy’s Come With Me and then hurl in-your-face obscenities at them is overwhelmed by my need to nurture and guide and protect.

The little snotwipe on Wednesday night, who shall in this missive remain gamertag-less to protect his interests and my wounded pride, simply triggered within me an irrepressible, undeniable urge to encourage. I cared so damn much about the short-arsed runt’s feelings that I couldn’t bring myself to destroy him over and over again, and instead allowed the poor little smug-faced chuckle-monkey to “own my limey ass” in order that he grow as a person.

That’s all there is to it. Being a dad is counter-productive to being an online killing machine when faced with anyone below the age of sixteen. And as Wednesday’s episode with that whiny, shouty, sweary, under-achieving, swaggering, cocky, pus-faced, lucky-beyond-belief-that-he-lives-in-another-country little gobshite proves, my natural sense of paternity, caring and compassion towards youngsters outweighs my manly desire to kill, stuff and mount.

Yeah. That’s what it is.


Anyone else convinced?

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